

A sensor of CBI network traffic analysis allows controlling continuously and analyzing the information packets that are transmitted through a local CBI network. All network traffic between the components of the system is “mirrored” to the server for analysis. In order to avoid a potential inverse effect on CBI systems a special one-way circuit of data transmission is applied.

The device evaluates the correctness of the network exchange between the components of the system and is able to detect cyber-attacks on the components, including currently unknown vulnerabilities.

The sensor performs the tasks of:

  • Detection, identification, and analysis of cyber security incidents in CBI network traffic;

  • Storage of network traffic and data on cyber security incidents;

  • Automatic informing of the staff responsible for the detection of incidents and for actions taken after.

The availability of network traffic protocol allows independent registration of security events so that they can be analyzed by an expert and the appropriate measures can be taken. An intuitive user interface of the sensor allows the station staff to immediately detect incidents and respond to them. The system comprises special software for an investigation of the incidents that have been detected.

After successful completion of the trial operation, the complex system of cyber security has been put into full-time service at one of the stations of the central region, which is equipped with the CBI system, and is recommended for further operational use.